In October of each year, Dutch Design Week takes place in Eindhoven. The biggest design event in Northern Europe presents work and ideas of more than 2500 designers to more than 275 000 visitors from home and abroad. In more than a hundred locations across the city, Dutch Design Week organises and facilitates exhibitions, lectures, prize ceremonies, networking events, debates and festivities. Last year I was part of the organising crew for the event.
Figure 1. My participation at the training for the new crew members
An average family owns at least 200 000 objects, from a paper clip to a toaster. Rarely we ask ourselves where these items came from, how they are made, or how we can make them more suitable for our needs, or more presentable. This event organises a series of interviews and presentations from top designers and new talents in the field that answer some of these questions.
Video 1. Presentation of Martijn Paulen, director of Dutch Design Week
In the past, the designer created new products and then various marketing techniques were used to sell the product to the customer. This method doesn't work anymore. Nowadays the customer's needs are put in the center of attention of the designer from the beginning of the creative process.
Video 2. Presentation of Martijn Paulen, director of Dutch Design Week
As consumers, we are losing sight of the complex world behind the products and services that we use every day. One of the main organisers of this exhibition, designer Bas van Abel, researched the market of smartphones that we all possess nowadays. He asked himself what should be the balance between the financial and the other values when it comes to product development. He asked himself also which is the role of a designer: to simply design the final product without thinking of the costs for the materials and for the production process, or to consider all the aspects before applying for a patent. He chose to develop a sustainable telephone of his own, the Fairphone, that takes into account all aspects, from human, to material costs, and production pipeline.
Video 3. Presentation of Bas van Abel, ambassador for Dutch Design Week
Technology develops more and more nowadays, quicker as the time passes by, and the automatization process of everything around us increases in use each day. We rely more and more on technology for more and more of our daily tasks. With the use of improved technology, one may complete more daily tasks nowadays, and the things around us adapt better to our needs with the use of technology. Nevertheless, there is always a balance between the human factor and the use of technology, a balance that is harder and harder to keep in mind with the increase of speed in our lives.
Video 4. Presentation of Maarten Baas, ambassador for Dutch Design Week
Each one of us can make time to better understand the products and services that we use every day. Increased knowledge of these details makes us more capable to make responsible decisions in our lives. A responsible consumer, if not even a designer, can make this world a better place to live.