Sunday, October 7, 2018

STRP - the eye and optical instruments

We use the accessory visual structures every day, but not many think of studying the structure in fine detail. The eyes capture a lot of information, part of it is stored in the conscious part of our brain, and part remains in the subconscious. People study this part of the human anatomy and sensors are developed based on the findings provided by the research.

Figure 1 . The human iris, front view. Copyright (2008) Gray's Anatomy

When a collimated beam of light or laser passes through one or several apertures, or if it encounters an obstacle, it spreads out and, due to diffraction, various resulting patterns are captured on a circular canvas.

Figure 2 . The optical patterns on the semi-circular canvas

The polygonal mesh is the core tool to analyse both solid surfaces and for simulation of internal body parts.

Figure 3 . The polygonal mesh

The equivalent electrical circuit of the entire human body may be developed by putting together the equivalent electrical circuits of each of the body parts.Each part has different values for the resistance, capacitance and inductance. The physiology engine may be tested by switching on and off electrical circuits for various parts of the body.

Figure 4 . The equivalent electrical circuit for the entire human body

People, from young to old, have the opportunity to touch and experience the effects of the basic elements for high level research. I find it fascinating that people, in a nice sunny afternoon, can take their family out at this event and play with tools designed in a child-friendly manner, and probably without a full understanding of the science in the background, have access to knowledge that people in other countries, like me, only dream to see.

References :

Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice ( 2008 ), 40th edition, Churchill-Livingstone, Elsevier.